Personalized hospital care
Should you need to be hospitalized, I will remain involved with your care. I will continue to advocate on your behalf and communicate regularly with the hospitalist.
Care for visiting relatives and/or friends
Should your out-of-town family or friends become ill during a visit to the Chicago area, I will be happy to see them in my office and assist with their medical care. I will treat them as if they were members of my practice.
Second opinions by respected colleagues
In order to ensure a fresh perspective, particularly with patients who have chronic or complex medical issues and when medically indicated, I will review your chart by phone with a respected colleague at no additional charge.
A strong focus on wellness
My philosophy is to educate you about your personal medical needs and risks. I will work with you to assess your level of fitness and determine an appropriate personal wellness plan. This will allow you take an active role in managing and maintaining good health.
Personalized hospital care
Should you need to be hospitalized, I will remain involved with your care. I will continue to advocate on your behalf and communicate regularly with the hospitalist.
Insurance Information
Commercial Insurance Patients
Office visit charges are not included in your annual fee. I intend to remain an “in-network” provider for many plans. Regardless of your plan, we will continue to bill your insurance for all covered services. It is our intention that no insurance-covered medical services are included in your annual fee.
As medically indicated, I will make it a priority to refer you to “in-network” physicians for any necessary consultations and to in-network facilities for diagnostic tests and hospitalizations. Any services rendered by these physicians or facilities will be billed by the performing entity, and should likely be covered by your insurer according to in-network fees.
Medicare Patients
We will continue to submit claims to Medicare and to your supplemental insurance on your behalf for Medicare-covered services. The annual membership fee is intended to only include services that are not covered by Medicare and that will not be paid for or reimbursed by Medicare. For any patient who may have a Medicare Advantage plan, an office visit fee will be charged and payment will be the responsibility of the patient.